~ 5 min read ~

We’re grateful for this story about a Gastroschisis Survivor submitted by friends steward partner, Cincinnati Children’s Fetal Care Center

Turning 4 this year, Logan has a big appetite. He enjoys eating now but his first few months of life were very difficult. When his mom, Laurie, was 20 weeks pregnant, a routine ultrasound alerted doctors about a problem with his intestines.

Expectant mother in a field of sunflowers

“It was kind of shocking and a little devastating. Because no mom wants to hear that there’s anything different with their babies, you know?” said Laurie Hittle, Logan’smom. “Especially the first one. That’s a little scary.”

Logan was diagnosed with gastroschisis. It’s a birth defect that develops in a baby while in utero. With this condition, an opening forms in the baby’s abdominal wall. The baby’s bowel pushes through this hole. The bowel then develops outside of the baby’s body in the amniotic fluid. As a result,

it can become irritated, swollen, and damaged putting the baby’s health at risk. This occurs in about one in every 2,000 births.

“It’s hard for a mom to find out that her baby has something, and we need to make sure we are with her in this path from the beginning and taking care of her health and her baby,” said Mounira Habli, MD, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, Fetal Care Center.

Finding Hope at Cincinnati Children’s Fetal Care Center

Laurie was referred to the Cincinnati Children’s Fetal Care Center. After confirming the diagnosis, Laurie received routine obstetric services from the Fetal Care Center team who monitored the pregnancy closely. In conjunction with specialists in the Intestinal Rehabilitation Center, Cincinnati Children’s was able to provide all the care mom and baby needed.

“We will develop a multidisciplinary team taking care of the mom from the obstetric care first, that means we will meet neonatology will meet pediatric surgery and we will meet the maternal fetal medicine specialist,” Dr. Habli said. “We will develop a plan of care from the time of diagnosis until the delivery.”

From Birth to Treatment

Logan was born at the Cincinnati Children’s Special Delivery Unit in September of 2020. The Special Delivery Unit is one of the only birthing centers located inside a pediatric hospital, eliminating the need for transport after birth and providing immediate access to Cincinnati

Children’s renowned expertise, equipment, and care.

Upon delivery, Logan received a staged repair. That is when a plastic pouch or “silo” is placed around the bowel and attached to the belly. Every day, the silo is tightened and some of the bowel is gently pushed inside. When all of the bowel is inside, the silo is removed, and the belly is closed. This takes place over several days and can last up to two weeks.

gastroschisis survivor - toddler boy in overalls smiles

“I’m always amazed when I see these babies at birth, and we put the bowel in a silo how we’re able to get that bowel back into the tummy in such a short period of time,” said Paul Wales, MD, surgical director for the Intestinal Rehabilitation Center. “I’m always still amazed by how the tummy is able to stretch and accommodate the bowel as we are able to reduce it. It’s quite remarkable actually.”

Advanced, Lifelong Care

For more complex cases where babies suffer from intestinal failure, Cincinnati Children’s is also unique in that it offers a multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation program. This includes specialized intestinal reconstructive surgery, long-term nutritional and developmental follow up, remote patient monitoring and transplantation when needed.

“There are many transitions,” says Dr. Wales. “From the NICU to the floor, the floor to home, to school, into adolescence and to adult care. We support families along the way because life keeps going on despite the diagnosis.”

Logan spent 75 days in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) recovering. He has since healed and now returns to the hospital every 6 months to consult with the NICU Follow-up Clinic and other specialists as part of his continuum of care.

“We’re very happy that he’s here. We’re lucky that everything worked out as well as it did,” Laurie said.

About the Cincinnati Children’s Fetal Care Center

Experts in maternal-fetal medicine, neonatology and fetal surgery share a passion for providing exceptional, comprehensive care for mothers and babies experiencing complex fetal conditions or high-risk pregnancy.

Our team provides care in an atmosphere of compassion, knowing that patients and families are sometimes dealing with difficult decisions.

We offer prenatal evaluation, fetal diagnosis and treatment services that consider both you and your baby. The Fetal Care Center offers a comprehensive, integrated approach to care:

Consistency: The same team of physicians cares for patients from diagnosis to treatment and follow-up.

Collaboration: Physicians from various specialties share their expertise, ensuring each aspect of care is addressed.

Sophisticated treatment options: Our commitment to research helps us provide the most effective therapies available.

Family-centered care: We encourage parents to participate in every aspect of their child’s care and we value their input.

Comprehensive: We provide an unparalleled level of care for mothers and babies, empowering both to thrive.
