
We’re delighted to note that after being recognized in 2015, Dr. Miller is among the authors of a 2020 study on success in treating CDH with “FETO — fetoscopic tracheal balloon occlusion — is a minimally invasive procedure in which a fetoscope is inserted through the abdominal wall into the uterus and then into the mouth of the fetus to place an inflatable balloon, to temporarily block the fetal trachea.” read the study abstract

The 2015 Brianna Marie grant was awarded to Dr. Jena Miller at the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy.  She’s pictured above with the rest of the JHU research team: Ahmet Baschat, MD, Ethan Nyberg, graduate student, and Warren Grayson, PhD

Imagine how difficult it is to plan for and perform open fetal surgery when you cannot physically examine the patient, a fetus. Examinations are all done from imaging, and mostly ultrasound. In the medical field, there are applications to map out tumors, etc. by using MRI and CT, but they are expensive. Ultrasound, in comparison, is inexpensive. The goal with this project is that by looking at a baby with Spina Bifida with ultrasound, the algorithms we create can then be used to generate a 3D printed model of the fetus and its anomaly. Surgeons will then have an exact, three dimensional model to use in planning and during the operation. The model will reduce risk and complications. Additional uses for an ultrasound based 3D model are numerous: treatment of many fetal anomalies that can be enhanced by 3D printed models.


These are the kinds of life-changing therapies the Fetal Health Foundation supports.  Be part of a team fighting for better futures for families diagnosed with fetal syndromes.  Lend your support.


