EXIT Procedure Saves Baby with Rare Tumor Diagnosis During Pandemic

EXIT Procedure Saves Baby with Rare Tumor Diagnosis During Pandemic

Giving birth to a baby with an unusual prenatal diagnosis at 27 weeks in the midst of a global pandemic comes with its own unique challenges. That was one family’s reality earlier this year. But the care team at the Colorado Fetal Care Center — the only team in the region able to perform the procedure their baby needed to survive — was there to help them through it.

Integrated Fetal Health Centers Provide Unique Benefits to Mother and Baby

Integrated Fetal Health Centers Provide Unique Benefits to Mother and Baby

“Both the mom and fetus or newborn have access to a full range of hospital services from labs to imaging to counseling and surgery in one area. The close proximity also allows for further bonding between the parents and the infant at a critical time. Additionally, co-locating the care team fosters collaboration in emergency situations,” stated McGuinness.