Maverick’s Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) Journey

Maverick’s Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) Journey

Babies born with Maverick’s heart condition and a restrictive or absent communication between the top two chambers of the heart, are born with abnormal lungs, in addition to the heart defect. In fact, most of these babies do not survive after birth. Maverick underwent creation of an opening in the top two chambers of the heart in fetal life with a stent, to allow him to be stable after birth..

Stress and Your Baby: New Study Identifies Impacts of Maternal Stress on Fetal Health

Stress and Your Baby: New Study Identifies Impacts of Maternal Stress on Fetal Health

In a report entitled ‘The United States of Stress’, Everyday Health’s Nan-Kristen Forte reveals that one-third of Americans have gone to their doctors for a stress-related problem, which often affects their work, social lives, and inner peace. But for pregnant women, new research reveals that high levels of maternal stress pose even more worrisome problems, as it can have an effect even on their unborn baby.

High-Risk Pregnancy + Coronavirus: Q & A with the Experts

High-Risk Pregnancy + Coronavirus: Q & A with the Experts

In this ever-changing environment impacted by COVID-19, women who have higher-risk pregnancies face a different set of challenges in requiring more visits and potential fetal therapies in order to chance a successful delivery. The Fetal Health Foundation recently compiled the most accurate information out right now about what being diagnosed with a fetal syndrome looks like….