by Fetal Health Foundation | Nov 25, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, News
Until more recently, men’s diets and their effects on fetal health have never been taken into consideration. Dads, it may be time to hold off on that loaded cheeseburger and side of chili cheese fries. Here’s a look at why.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Nov 15, 2019 | Blogs, Fetal Hydrops, front-page, Grant Winner, Marie Grant Winner, News
The recipient of this year’s Brianna Marie Memorial Research Grant goes for a second time to Dr. Teresa Sparks and team at the University of California, San Francisco to further support the completion of your research project titled “Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis: Toward a Precision-Based Approach.”
by Fetal Health Foundation | Oct 30, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, News, Resource News, Story
Whether it’s your first or fifth pregnancy, this is a special time.
It is crucial to carefully consider what you are eating and make sure you are on a healthy balanced diet throughout your pregnancy.
While you may have to cut out some foods for nine months, some are okay in small amounts.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Sep 26, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, News, Story
9 years after our 100-day stay at the NICU, I was suddenly paralyzed by PTSD. Every horrible feeling of fear, anxiety, despair, and anger came flooding back all at once, as a sucker punch to the gut. Emotional scars I thought long healed were bleeding again, as I hurt for my friend and for my own experiences.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Aug 16, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, News, Non-Immune Hydrops, Story
I was so, so terrified. Not for me, but for her. Would she be okay? Would she be in pain? Please just save her! As I wheeled away from my family, the only feeling I remember is fear. In the OR, faces I didn’t know surrounded me. I was squeezing the hand of a person I’d never met as they prepped me for the emergency C-section.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Aug 1, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction, News, Story
“There’s a major problem with your pregnancy.” Are words no expecting parents anticipate hearing. At our routine twenty-week ultrasound, the ultrasound technician got the doctor, and we heard the words that would forever change our lives. “The bladder isn’t releasing urine” and “the amniotic fluid level is dangerously low.”