Persistence Pays … From TTTS Survivor to Discovery Girl Role Model
12 year-old Aspen Somers contributes her first blog post to the Fetal Health Foundation.

Honoring Me on Mother’s Day In Celebration of My Angels
We are saddened by the loss of Ella and Grace to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Their mother, Jennifer, wrote this piece on Mother’s Day, and she’s allowing us to share it here. I am a mother. I have thought all morning about what today means to me...
10 Ways To Help a Friend During A Difficult Pregnancy
When a friend’s baby is diagnosed with a fetal syndrome or she is having a difficult pregnancy for other reasons, her family’s life turns upside down. It is often hard to know what to say – or how to help. Several of FHF’s board members have experienced...
My Letter to The Silent Grievers
Dalia EL-Prince served as the Executive Director of the Fetal Health Foundation. Recently I joined the Fetal Health Foundation to offer hope to unborn babies and help families who are faced with the loss of their child during pregnancy or after delivery. Though I...
Zika Virus: Parents’ Top 10 Questions
Answers to these questions and more from the Fetal Health Foundation and Children’s Hospital Colorado. What is the Zika virus? How do you get the Zika virus? If a pregnant woman has traveled to an affected area and is concerned about the Zika virus, what should she do? Should she get tested, and if so, where is the best place to start?