TTTS Triplet Parents Reflect on their Daughters’ Surgery and Birth

TTTS Triplet Parents Reflect on their Daughters’ Surgery and Birth

Performing surgery on triplets is more complex than on twins. In Tiffini’s case, there were two placentas: Hannah had one placenta all to herself, while Sophia and Isabella were sharing the other placenta, albeit unequally. Sophia and Isabella were affected by TTTS when the volume of blood flow across the connecting blood vessels between them became uneven, with Isabella getting too much and Sophia getting too little.

Charlotte: Surviving a Fetal Omphalocele and Finding Silver Linings

Charlotte: Surviving a Fetal Omphalocele and Finding Silver Linings

When Charlotte first received an omphalocele diagnosis, her parents didn’t know it’s severity. After one of the longest months of their lives, they got some good news. Maternal fetal medicine specialists at the Colorado Fetal Care Center diagnosed Charlotte with an isolated omphalocele, meaning a small part of her intestine was growing outside her abdomen but it wasn’t affecting other organs.