Honoring Me on Mother’s Day In Celebration of My Angels

Honoring Me on Mother’s Day In Celebration of My Angels

We are saddened by the loss of Ella and Grace to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.  Their mother, Jennifer, wrote this piece on Mother's Day, and she's allowing us to share it here. I am a mother. I have thought all morning about what today means to me and if I even...

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10 Ways To Help a Friend During A Difficult Pregnancy

10 Ways To Help a Friend During A Difficult Pregnancy

When a friend’s baby is diagnosed with a fetal syndrome or she is having a difficult pregnancy for other reasons, her family’s life turns upside down. It is often hard to know what to say - or how to help.  Several of FHF's board members have experienced fetal...

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My Letter to The Silent Grievers

My Letter to The Silent Grievers

Dalia EL-Prince served as the Executive Director of the Fetal Health Foundation. Recently I joined the Fetal Health Foundation to offer hope to unborn babies and help families who are faced with the loss of their child during pregnancy or after delivery. Though I...

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The Redmond Family Story

The Redmond Family Story

My husband and I found out we were pregnant over Memorial Day weekend. It was still really early, but I was having some side pain and my sister had an ectopic pregnancy once so I wanted to get checked out. We went in for our first OB appointment with feelings of...

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Zika Virus: Parents’ Top 10 Questions

Zika Virus: Parents’ Top 10 Questions

Answers to these questions and more from the Fetal Health Foundation and Children’s Hospital Colorado. What is the Zika virus? How do you get the Zika virus? If a pregnant woman has traveled to an affected area and is concerned about the Zika virus, what should she do? Should she get tested, and if so, where is the best place to start?

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Zika Virus 101 Infographic

Zika Virus 101 Infographic

The Zika Virus and Microcephaly are in the news recently. Many of us wonder why we haven't heard of it before, and what we can do to protect ourselves and our family. One of our readers, Emily Maynard, put together an easy-to-understand infographic about the virus....

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Take a Peek at Our New Connexions Magazine!

Take a Peek at Our New Connexions Magazine!

We're thrilled to announce our new magazine! Connexions is published annually by the Fetal Health Foundation in order to bring together the many realms surrounding a fetal syndrome diagnosis. The magazine connects doctors and fetal centers, updating them on the latest...

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Matthew, a LUTO Fighter and Survivor

Matthew, a LUTO Fighter and Survivor

My son is Matthew. He was diagnosed with LUTO at week 17 of our pregnancy. It was a difficult pregnancy because he had a twin sister with him in there. By the time we got to our MFM, his kidneys were very damaged, his bladder was full and was thick- walled, his chest...

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From Colorado to the World: HOPE For Fetal Conditions

From Colorado to the World: HOPE For Fetal Conditions

Imagine a doctor saying, "Your baby may not survive."   Time is short. You search for information, and when you find it, you can't be sure it is reliable.   That was our situation 13 years ago.  I remember all too well searching for hope, information, and support for...

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Aran’s Story

Aran’s Story

Aran Hissam is a new member of the Fetal Health Foundation Board.  Before joining our organization, she channeled her experience with a fetal syndrome, non-immune fetal hydrops, to her work with the Brianna Marie Foundation.  The Fetal Health Foundation's Research...

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UPDATE: Zika Virus and Pregnancy | Information for Patients

UPDATE: Zika Virus and Pregnancy | Information for Patients

The Fetal Health Foundation continues to receive inquiries about the Zika virus and a possible connection to a fetal condition, microcephaly.   Dr. Anna G. Euser is coordinating the Zika virus efforts for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Doctors at the Colorado Institute for...

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Talitha’s Story

Talitha’s Story

After giving birth to twins who survived Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, Talitha McGuinness joined with Lonnie and Michelle Somers to help further efforts to save babies with fetal syndromes.  We asked her to share her story. Our twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome...

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After Losing a Baby, Does Life Get Better?

After Losing a Baby, Does Life Get Better?

Fetal Health Foundation's Executive Director, Dalia EL-Prince shares her story of coping after the loss of her baby in 2003. "Does it get better?" Today I was asked, "Does it get better after the loss of your baby? Does it?" It's a question I often struggle to answer....

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A Resource for Families: Miracle Flights

A Resource for Families: Miracle Flights

The Fetal Health Foundation is pleased to spread the word about Miracle Flights.  This terrific nonprofit organization also dedicated to families offers resources to families for whom travel for medical reasons can make a miracle possible. We're happy to have them as...

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Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Video

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Video

The team at Fetal Center at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital has put together an informative video detailing the condition known as Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome, and asked that we share it with you. Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome Video By building awareness...

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New Public Service Announcement for Fetal Health Foundation

Families with a fetal diagnosis are the heart of our work. Thanks to your support, they are not alone. Our public service announcement will soon be shown throughout the country. You can see it- and share it- here. To be part of our work, share your story,   or make a...

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Girls from Kemp Elementary School Run the Great Candy Run

Girls from Kemp Elementary School Run the Great Candy Run

The Commerce City Sentinel Express featured a great article about girls from Kemp Elementary running the Great Candy Race, which races funds for the Fetal Health Foundation. Autumn Senchuk coaches running clubs to help girls gain confidence, and brought 29 amazing...

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A  Big Thank You!

A Big Thank You!

We'd like to thank the Chameleon John team for their generous donation. ChameleonJohn is on a mission to help people save money on their online purchases. After having saved money for tens of thousands of consumers, they decided to take their mission one step further....

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Ten Sweet Reasons to Be Part of the Great Candy Run

Ten Sweet Reasons to Be Part of the Great Candy Run

The Great Candy Run comes to Minneapolis October 14th, and Denver November 12, 2017. If the idea of a candy-themed race isn't temptation enough for you, here are ten reasons to join us for the Fetal Health Foundation's flagship benefit event. 10.  Kid will love...

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A Note from Our Founder

A Note from Our Founder

Fetal syndromes affect over 800,000 babies each year in the U.S.  Sadly we lose over 200 babies a day.  Everything from TTTS (Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome) to issues causing premature birth and then death are affecting our unborn children. We have a lot of work...

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