The field of fetal diagnosis and treatment is continually evolving. Hear from Dr. Scott Adzick, one of the foremost trailblazers in the specialty, about groundbreaking advancements he helped pioneer. Learn why he believes it’s an obligation of the field to conduct research to offer hope and health.
The Badenhop family wasn’t expecting news of spina bifida and were scared and uncertain about their baby’s future. But Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s expert team offered hope — and a successful outcome for baby Lexi.
Now that there is ever-growing potential to intervene medically before a child is born, it expands the utility of prenatal testing. Doctors can find ways to intervene earlier to improve outcomes.
Fetal Health Foundation founder and Fetal Care Chat host, Lonnie Somers welcomes three amazing pioneering women in fetal medicine. Dr. Jenan Miller, Dr. Courtney Stephenson, and Dr. Diana Farmer.