by Fetal Health Foundation | Oct 13, 2022 | front-page, News, Spina Bifida, Story
Three babies have been born after receiving the world’s first spina bifida treatment combining surgery with stem cells. This was made possible by a landmark clinical trial at UC Davis Health.
The new treatment, delivered while a fetus is still in the mother’s womb, could improve outcomes for children with this birth defect.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Apr 29, 2021 | Blogs, front-page, News, Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
Upon meeting with Colorado Fetal Care Center maternal fetal medicine specialist and fetal surgeon Nick Behrendt, MD, the Oligmuellers learned their case of TTTS was severe. The best solution for TTTS is typically fetoscopic laser ablation. It’s a minimally invasive surgery in which the surgeon inserts a tiny scope into the uterus, through the amniotic sac.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Sep 21, 2020 | Blogs, front-page, News
The joy that parents feel upon learning they are expecting is often tampered by medical complications and concerns. After a fetal syndrome is diagnosed, parents need to quickly understand the basics of the maternal fetal medicine world. Learn more about maternal fetal care centers and how to find them.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Jul 30, 2020 | Blogs, front-page, News
“Both the mom and fetus or newborn have access to a full range of hospital services from labs to imaging to counseling and surgery in one area. The close proximity also allows for further bonding between the parents and the infant at a critical time. Additionally, co-locating the care team fosters collaboration in emergency situations,” stated McGuinness.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Sep 5, 2019 | front-page, Meningocele, Myelomeningocele/Spina Bifida, News
“We have a unique approach that is a technique first established in Brazil by Dr. Lapa, and we brought it over to the United States. Dr. Quintero and I have put together a fetoscopic treatment that is FDA approved to repair open spina bifida, that is entirely percutaneous (there is no laparotomy and no hysterectomy),” said Dr. Ramen Chmait, Director, Los Angeles Fetal Surgery.