by Fetal Health Foundation | Aug 28, 2019 | front-page, Myelomeningocele/Spina Bifida, News, Story
I saw my physician’s name come across my phone screen, and my heart sank. He explained that the ultrasound showed an abnormality, and he predicted a spina bifida diagnosis. I had no idea what that meant, and the rest of the words coming out of his mouth became a blur.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Aug 1, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction, News, Story
“There’s a major problem with your pregnancy.” Are words no expecting parents anticipate hearing. At our routine twenty-week ultrasound, the ultrasound technician got the doctor, and we heard the words that would forever change our lives. “The bladder isn’t releasing urine” and “the amniotic fluid level is dangerously low.”
by Fetal Health Foundation | Jun 12, 2019 | Blogs, front-page, Myelomeningocele/Spina Bifida, News, Resource News, Sponsor
Growing up in the 1960’s, Dr. Diana Farmer’s mother taught Sunday school for disabled children where she first met children who had spina bifida.
“It was a really crummy disease,” Farmer said. Dr. Farmer is now leading innovative research, which holds promise of saving lives and lifetimes.
by Fetal Health Foundation | Jun 10, 2019 | front-page, Myelomeningocele/Spina Bifida, News, Resource News, Sponsor
In the video she discusses the improvements that resulted from the initial fetal surgeries, including a reduction in the need for shunts. She now believes that with the latest breakthroughs involving fetal surgery and stem cells that the paralysis associated with spina bifida will be cured in her lifetime.
by Fetal Health Foundation | May 5, 2016 | Story, Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
My husband and I found out we were pregnant over Memorial Day weekend. It was still really early, but I was having some side pain and my sister had an ectopic pregnancy once so I wanted to get checked out. We went in for our first OB appointment with feelings of...